Introducing.... RINA!
Comes with a OPTIMIZED version for Events! With Physbones of course.
Join my discord!
Uses latest version of unity approved for VRCHAT, Latest version of the VRCSDK, and Poiyomi (I used PoiyomiPro7.3.029).
If you require any assistance, please feel free to send me a message via discord OMZ41#2506
Showcase on Youtube cause Gumroad player is.... really good :)
2 Versions available (DPS, Optimized (Green) )
Toggles for all the important stuff
Touch-Toggle system. (Toggles activate by touching the receiver with your index finger. Please see receiver picture for a location of these receiver's. By Default this option is off with a toggle to activate all the receivers, this also is activatable by others. You can change this by selecting the receiver in the armature and changing the "Allow self" and "Allow others" check boxes.)
Hue shift for Clothing, Hair, Eyes, Eye effect, Tattoos
Ear toggle for Human ears
White clothing swaps
Silver to gold swap
Headpat animation with wiggly ears
GIF on shoes and arm harness (easily replaceable with your own gifs :))
DPS ready
The "No possible way you could fuck this up" Installation guide:
- New unity project
- Import VRCSDK
- Import Poiyomi Shader (Toon or Pro)
- Import Raliv DPS (Optional)
- Inside Raliv folders go here: RalivDynamicPenetrationSystem>Plugins> Run the package labeled: RalivDynamicPenetrationForPoiyomiPro (DO THIS PRIOR TO UPLOADING THE AVATAR PACKAGE)
- Import the "StreetElf" avatar package
- Double click the Scene in the assets folder labeled "CLICK Here"
- Done!
Head: Suvy#0001
Base: ImLeXz#1234 (Edited)
Hair: Cherriuwu#4444
Tongue: OniiGirii#5977
Rings: Rommi#0307
Eye: Zila#8266
Elf Ears: DOGU#0271
Half shirt: Halies (Slight edit)#0010
Shoes: zioketski#2729 (Custom commission)
Shorts: Darcy#0005
Hat: Alc#5127
Bra/Fishnets: Nauuki (Edited)
Piercings: Ephah#6969
Earring: Jellybean
Tattoo/wombtat: Wylo#8483 & Uni#1369 (Slight edited)
Panties: Maible#8888(TheWaifs)
Fluff Toolkit: Fluff#5265
DPS: Raliv
Locomotion fix: https://wetcat.gumroad.com/l/locomotionVRC
Everything else was made by me :)
All assets are bought or acquired with the right commercial license
Rules of purchase:
-Do NOT leak/share/Pricesplit my package
-Do NOT upload my work to filesharing websites/piracy websites etc
-Do NOT claim it as yours.
-Do NOT make the model nor your edits of this model public
-You can NOT take parts for your own commercial models
-I am NOT held accountable for any future game updates that may break the avatar nor am I accountable to fix all issues they may cause.
Thanks to everyone that helped in some way on this Avatar, you know who you are <3
Also; for those of you got this far, you can edit the avatar and stuff but it would be cool if you didn't remove the "DRAZ" off the clothing. It is a nod to a friend that is no longer with us and I wanted to include him in some way in my work. But if you really want too its all good. Thank you.
Unity Package