
Sniper Girl

29 ratings

Sniper Girl

29 ratings

Sniper Girl! She's.... a sniper. What else do you need to know....

Join my discord!

Uses latest version of unity approved for VRCHAT, (VRCSDK3-AVATAR-2022. version of the VRCSDK, and Poiyomi (I used PoiyomiPro 7.3.050).

If you require any assistance, please feel free to send me a message via discord OMZ41#2506


*3 Versions (FULL Version, LITE Version, Optimized Version (Green) )

Clothing toggles:

  • Headset
  • Bra
  • Panties
  • Glove
  • Harness
  • Tights
  • Shoes

Sniper rifle Grabbable with left and right hand, Droppable in world, Shootable

Pistol Grabbable with left and right hand, Droppable in world, Shootable

Knife Grabbable with left and right hand, Droppable in world.

(Currently if you are holding the weapons and click your trigger button on your controllers it will drop the object. Until I find a way to solve this problem, avoid clicking the triggers on your controllers so you don't drop it when you don't want to :))

Colors for Sniper and Pistol

Hue shift for:

  • Hair
  • Eyes
  • Tattoo
  • Clothing

Hair colors: 6 Total (all of them have hue shift mode)

Metal colors: 3 normal colors (Gold, Silver, and Black)

Lighting menu for dark/bright/bloom heavy worlds

locomotion toggle

Body shine toggle

Stocking transparency toggle

Tattoo and clean skin toggle

Shareable Springjoint

Headpat contact: with Magazine Particle effects

DPS (With Futa)

The "No possible way you could fuck this up" Installation guide:

  • New unity project
  • Import VRCSDK
  • Import Poiyomi Shader (Toon or Pro)
  • Import Raliv DPS (Optional)
  • Inside Raliv folders go here: RalivDynamicPenetrationSystem>Plugins> Run the package labeled: RalivDynamicPenetrationForPoiyomiPro (DO THIS PRIOR TO UPLOADING THE AVATAR PACKAGE)
  • Import "SniperGirl" avatar package
  • Double click the Scene in the assets folder labelled "CLICK DIS"
  • Done!

Unity: https://docs.vrchat.com/docs/current-unity-version

VRCSDK: https://vrchat.com/home/download

Poiyomi Free: Included in files

DPS: https://raliv.gumroad.com/l/lwthuB


Head: Cicieaaa#7777

Base: Sugs#9795

Hair: Kri#1214

Tattoo: Zade#1752 (Commissioned)

Eye: Kri#1214 (Free in their discord)

Harness: sophie#6965(Edited)

PP: Torinyan (とりにゃん#1295)

Panties: Milky Mommy#6969(Edited)

Tights: Milky Mommy#6969

Glove: Apyr

Shoes: strelizias#0002

Grenade: Spiritcreator

Knife: PastelPlushies#2961

Sniper: AlexFinsher

Pistol: Tomas Ivan

Shareable Springjoint: Thatfatkidsmom

Reticle Shader: Ushio

Headset: Albin (Heavy Edit)

Bullet: That one guy named S0ldi3r

Fluff Toolkit: Fluff#5265

DPS: Raliv

Locomotion fix: https://wetcat.gumroad.com/l/locomotionVRC

Everything else was made by me :)

All assets are bought or acquired with the right commercial license

Rules of purchase:

-Do NOT leak/share/Pricesplit my package

-Do NOT upload my work to filesharing websites/piracy websites etc

-Do NOT claim it as yours.

-Do NOT make the model nor your edits of this model public

-You can NOT take parts for your own commercial models

-I am NOT held accountable for any future game updates that may break the avatar nor am I accountable to fix all issues they may cause.

This product is not currently for sale.

Unity Package

Main Version: Download size
Main Version: Texture memory
Main Version: Materials
Main Version: Particles
Main Version: Polys
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